I'm a researcher that work on a photogrammetry platform developped for specific purpose (underwater exploration, ...) and i use for a time AgiSoft Photoscan for many time now.
The specific platform that i use has to deal with Agisoft Photoscan and has to be able to import / export data from / to your software.
My problem is that the camera model we use in our platform is the PhotoModeler model and i have to export it within Agisoft Photoscan model.
I know that the Agi Lens software can import a PhotoModeler camera and convert it to Photoscan Camera calibration. However, i have to make this conversion inside my platform and i can't use AgiLens at his time.
So here is my (pragmatic) question: How to pass from a photomodeler camera to a photoscan camera calibration ?
Here is one example:
Photomodeler parameters:- PMwp Image width, pixel: 1936
- PMhp Image height, pixel: 1456
- PMfocal Focal length, mm: 28.7486
- PMfw Format width, mm: 36.1885
- PMfh Format height, mm: 24.112
- PMppx Principal point X, mm: 17.9828
- PMppy Principal point Y, mm: 11.4851
- PMK1 Radial distortion K1: 0.0001246
- PMK2 Radial distortion K2: -1.909e-07
- PMK3 Radial distortion K3: 1.172e-10
- PMP1 Decentering distortion P1: -2.766e-06
- PMP2 Decentering distortion P2: -1.535e-05
Agi Lens converted camera parameters:- PSwp Image Width: 1936
- PShp Image height: 1456
- PSfx Focal length (x): 1537.92
- PSfy Focal length (y): 1735.91
- PScx Principal point (x): 962.039
- PScy Principal point (y): 693.533
- PSskew Skew: 2.01075e-05
- PSK1 Radial K1: -0.101602
- PSK2 Radial K2: 0.147258
- PSK3 Radial K3: -0.112404
- PSP1 Tangential P1: 0.000401217
- PSP2 Tangential P2: 7.19026e-05
I know at this time how to convert some data from photomodeler to photoscan:
Focal lengthPSfx =
PMfocal x
PMwp /
PMfwPSfy =
PMfocal x
PMhp /
PMfhPrincipal pointPScx =
PMppx x
PMwp /
PMfwPScy =
PMppy x
PMhp /
PMfhHowever, i wanted to know how to determine the skew (
PSskew) parameter from photomodeler values and how to convert distortion.
Can you please help me ?