Hi, I'm using the standard version of Metashape and I am encountering several obstacles aligning the object.
1. The Grid. Why isn't it possible to set the grid to centimeters? Not all of us are scanning landscapes.
2. The Transform controls. It would be incredible useful to have a more sophisticated gizmo. To be able to switch between world and object coordinate system and to move, rotate, scale in screen space.
3. Why is the scale gizmo so different? I am not able to get the object smaller. For an instant I can get a number below 1, but not able to 'catch' it. In other words: When I click and drag; the scale is only getting bigger, not smaller. Couldn't find it in the manual either.
4. Why there is no Undo on move/rotate/scale?
5. Numeric input would be nice for move/rotate/scale
Thank you.