I'm testing out using scripts to automate some of my processing. Currently, I'm trying a script developed by the USGS. Maybe some of you are familiar with the script associated with this publication:
Over, J.R., A.C. Ritchie, C. Kranenburg, J.A. Brown, D.D. Buscombe,
T. Noble, C.R. Sherwood, J. Warrick, and P.A. Wernette. (2021) Processing
coastal imagery with Agisoft Metashape Professional Edition, version
1.6—Structure from motion workflow documentation: U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2021-1039, x p.
The script contains a workflow for alignment and error reduction.
Unfortunately, using the script causes Metashape (2.0.2 and 2.0.3 running on Windows 11) to crash. When I use the script to perform alignment, the application crashes right as the camera positions are calculated. I've also tried alignment using the GUI and then using the script for error reduction - Metashape crashes immediately.
Has anyone had similar issues when using scripts?