
Author Topic: How to get sparse point cloud with predetermined camera locations & orientations  (Read 3442 times)


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Hi to everyone,
Before all sorry if I repeat this topic, or similar too...
But I did not solved my problem which bothers me for a while.
So, I want to know how to process my photos that have (pre)determined cameras locations and orientations?
Btw, these informations are available in reference pane tab, but when choose align photos even with estimated preselection software calculates it's own camera positions and orientations. I mean, software behaves like there's no predetermined camera locations & orientations even I check them with check marks at left.
As a result I get sparse point cloud with camera positions, but not all of them are "aligned" perfectly. I'm using Agisoft Metashape, version 1.8.5...and please don't tell me that I need to use bigger version cause this problem, or lack of knowledge (don't know what to say), persist from version 1.5. For better vision and understanding there's three pictures below. Please help me to figure out this mistery for me  ! Thanks :)


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Hi jkova96:
If you want to keep given reference values untouched and get a sparse cloud. All you need to do is run the quick layout script to force aligned status from your ref values and then build the tie points skipping the align command.

José Martínez
Accupixel Ltd.


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Hahah...but I don't have that one :/
Bye !


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Before all thanks for your link, but I want to ask you some questions...
I think that I'm a bit NOOB or NEWBIE, even i thought that I know this software good (if you don't use knowledge of programming script)
Can you tell me what settings should I use for alignment then, when I use script which you post in previous reply?
Please, tell me is it better to choose settings shown in FIGURE A, or from FIGURE B...or in fact FIGURE C...or maybe can you suggest some other options for getting sparse point cloud?
When choose options shown in FIGURE A I'm getting result like I got before I used this script,
Also when using options shown in FIGURE B and FIGURE C...I did not get a point.
I also record a video, and it's available to you through this link :
FIGURE A, B AND C you can find in Attachments.
Thanks :)


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Hi again Jkova
You dont need to run alignment step if you want tho keep your EO untouched.
Just go directly to tools/tie points/build...
But if the EO provided is not-so-good, it is likely the matches will be fewer than expected, so the sparse cloud could be weak and leave some cameras with insufficient matches...


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My excuse for late writting to you.
I'm very grateful to you because you explain me
how to handle this specific task - what I am asking for.
It seems that I have to learn more, to explore full potentional
of this software. Btw, here I captured new video if you interested how it went out:
Unfortunattely it did not went like I expected, but at least I know that
I got what I'm aiming to, even results were not satisfying.
It seems that used app (Pix4D Catch) from where EO was determined does not have requested accuracy and precision. You can see difference in pictures below, first two pictures shows Agisoft product with "manual" alignment; second two pictures shows you result of whole this process (after using script for "forced" alignment).
After all, I came with conclusions - and that's what's the most valuable for thank's once again.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2023, 03:08:39 AM by jkova96 »