
Author Topic: False Color ortho color issue - DJI M3M  (Read 4130 times)


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False Color ortho color issue - DJI M3M
« on: October 26, 2023, 04:05:27 AM »
Hello all,

Trying to process a false color image (NIR, Red, Green as RGB) in Metashape using the DJI Mavic 3 multispectral. Raster transform leads to an unexpected "white wash" or "hazy" appearance unlike the expected vibrant reds in vegetation. Standard RGB ortho comes out as expected, so does NDVI and other indices that use only the multispec bands. But when I try to calculate false color ortho using NIR/65535, Red/65535, Green/65535 as RGB it does not produce a result as expected. I suspect its because RGB are 8bit (0-255) while bands 4 to 7 are 16bit (0-65535) but after processing ortho using multi-camera system layout all 7 bands are listed as 0-65535. I have tried /65535 and /32768 which did not fix the issue. Calibration panels or sun sensor were not used. Ill attach a few examples.

Any insight is greatly appreciated!


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Re: False Color ortho color issue - DJI M3M
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2024, 05:12:19 AM »
Hi there,

I think the main problem is that what you have in your screen shot as bands 1-7 is made up of the non-radiometric RGB data as bands 1-3, and then the mutispectral bands as 4-7.
This can be seen because you have 2 x "Red" and 2 x "Green" in  your list.
If you tried the same raster calculator process using only the 4-7 numbered bands, it might work better.

More generally, we tend to process the MS in an entirely separate project from the RGB photos. Maybe worth considering.

- Mike