I just got the spacemouse 3D wireless. It works with Sketchup and the 3DConnextion Trainer on my macs, but not with Metashape.
Actuating the SpaceMouse in a model view has no effect on the model view (normal mouse dragging does move the view as expected.)
In Metashape I have enabled HID compliant controller and selected Spacemouse Wireless in the Controller dropdown.
In System Preferences, Privacy tab of Security panel, I have given Metashape "input Monitoring" permission... although I don't believe it should need it for an HID compliant device.
Is there anything else I need to do to use the spacemouse with metashape?
Metashape Professional Version 2.0.3 build 16960
MacOS Monterey 12.6.2, iMacPro intel 2017
Same behavior on M2 laptop running Ventura.