Hi again guys. I've just completed the first test with my 4 camera setup. It's nothing fancy, just a cheap rig with a bunch of Canon point and shoots (two Ixus 105, one Ixus 220HS and one Ixus 85). I've set them up on each corner of a wooden square frame 40 or 50cm appart from each other, connected to a usb hub and shot thru CHDK Remote. It works fairly well and all cameras sync with an almost unperceptible delay. Just switch power on to the hub, cameras focus, switch off power and there you go... cameras shoot with no apparent delay. Looks fine...
But I must admit that I'm quite unimpressed with the results, they're just not what I expected. For now, I've had much better quality scans shooting with one single (and better) camera around my subject, around 20 to 25 shots while my friend stood still... Than the quality out of 4 synced shots with these cheapos. I believe they simply don't have enough resolving power (sharpness) for this task. Obviously this first test comes from only 4 shots, which is just the minimum... But setting up a bigger rig is out of the way right now. Not with these results! My next test will be using both approaches, shooting a few rounds with the rig around the subject in order to get 20 to 25 shots. They won't be synced anymore, but the time to get it done will be much shorter. No more messing around with one single camera... Now every click will be 4 shots at once!
And one more con... It is a real pain to set CHDK on each camera, and most of all... once all shots are done, the worst part is downloading everything to the computer. With CHDK remote on, you cannot access the camera thru usb, so every card needs to go out of the camera and on to a card reader.
Will keep testing to see how to improve the workflow, but for now those are my first impressions.