
Author Topic: Wrong number of bands when calibrating reflectance of Rededge-M images  (Read 4738 times)

Tommy Joseph

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I am processing UAV multispectral images captured by Micasense Rededge-M camera. The images of panel were detected automatically. When I calibrate reflectance by panel, it seems that only one band was calibrated from the panel. I put all the image files of five bands into one folder. If there is something more required, please let  me know.

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Wrong number of bands when calibrating reflectance of Rededge-M images
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2024, 01:08:43 PM »
Hello Tommy,

I can suggest to review the calibration images of the panel for all but Blue band. Seems like you should manually apply mask for them (cover all but the panel itself with the mask).

Probably the QR-code is not properly visible for some reason (over- or underexposed, for example). You can also send all five calibration images from IMG_0006 set to, so that we could check what went wrong and why the automatic panel detection didn't work for all the bands.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC