I also get the above error when i try to run the "Remove disabled photos" script from the same link.
import datetime
import shutil
import Metashape
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
Script for moving disabled photos, Metashape (v 1.7)
Matjaz Mori, CPA, October 2019
The script will create a new subdirectory in the photos directory,
move all the photos from the project marked "Disabled" into it and remove "Disabled" cameras prom Metashape project.
When using, it is advisable to monitor the Console (View -> Console).
compatible_major_version = "2.1"
found_major_version = ".".join(Metashape.app.version.split('.')[:2])
if found_major_version != compatible_major_version:
raise Exception("Incompatible Metashape version: {} != {}".format(found_major_version, compatible_major_version))
def remove_disabled_photos():
print (datetime.datetime.now())
doc = Metashape.app.document
chunk = doc.chunk
counter = 0
counter_fail = 0
counter_not_moved = 0
counter_errors = 0
counter_cameras = 0
lenght = len(chunk.cameras)
message = 'Starting to evaluate ' + str(lenght) + ' photos...'
print (message)
for camera in chunk.cameras:
if not camera.type == Metashape.Camera.Type.Regular: #skip camera track, if any
if camera.enabled is True:
counter_not_moved = counter_not_moved + 1
continue # skipping enabled cameras
photo_path = Path(camera.photo.path)
photo_name = str(camera.label)
destination_dir = photo_path.parent / 'Disabled'
destination = destination_dir / photo_path.name
if not destination_dir.exists():
print ("Successfully created the directory %s " % destination_dir)
except OSError:
print ('Error creating %s' % destination_dir)
counter_errors = counter_errors + 1
continue # we can't create directory - thus we can't move photo - thus we shouldn't delete it
if photo_path.is_file():
print ('Moving %s ...' % photo_name)
shutil.move(str(photo_path), str(destination))
counter = counter + 1
counter_cameras = counter_cameras + 1
print ('Photo %s does not exist!' % photo_name)
counter_cameras = counter_cameras + 1
counter_fail = counter_fail + 1
except OSError:
counter_errors = counter_errors + 1
print ('Error %s!' % photo_name)
message_end = 'Success, ' + str(counter) + ' photos moved, ' + str(counter_not_moved) + ' photos not moved.\nNumber of files unable to move: ' + str(counter_fail) + '\nNumber of cameras removed: ' + str(counter_cameras) + '\nNumber of unknown errorrs: '+ str(counter_errors)
print (message_end)
label = "Scripts/Remove disabled photos"
Metashape.app.addMenuItem(label, remove_disabled_photos)
print("To execute this script press {}".format(label))