There are around 18 chunks with about 700 photos total. It's happened on High Medium and Low quality, and never seemed to be reaching the limit of RAM. I've done 15 successfully and ran into the problem after I added a few more. I'm going back and aligning one additional chunk at a time, but that is a very slow process since they all have to align each time. That's why I requested Progressive Alignment. I think the problem might be a specific chunk, and it would be a lot easier to test if I can lock the orientation of the chunks that were already done.
Would the size of the mesh affect it? Most of the chunks had been edited and decimated, but some of the new ones were still at a much higher resolution. I also tried disabling half of the photos in each chunk but that didn't seem to help either.
One time when it was stuck at 99%, I canceled and everything was aligned anyway. However that has only happened once. Cancel never works on a stalled process, it always has to be forced quit.
I know it's a lot chunks and a lot of photos. I am modeling my house, and found that keep detail sharp and noise low I need to photograph it fairly close, especially to create enough detail in flat painted areas. My ultimate goal is to create a model I can use to get a colored 3D print.