
Author Topic: Taking 5 days to create a point cloud?!  (Read 1510 times)

Low Altitude

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Taking 5 days to create a point cloud?!
« on: February 06, 2024, 09:20:32 PM »
Hi, I've just cancelled the creation of a pointcloud that I started processing 5 days ago, after the 'time to complete' kept increasing. That seems to be a looooong time!!!! It's about 390 drone images, oblique flight, 80/80 overlaps. I set the quality of the pointcloud as 'ultra high' so I did expect it to take a while, but not this long! Thankfully this is a test and not a chargeable job.

I'm running the latest MacOS on the following hardware:

i9 3.6GHz 8 core intel
ITB storage
Radeon Pro 575X 4GB graphics

I don't understand why it would possibly take so long even at the highest quality setting? I could see that CPU usage was high, so not relying on the GPU entirely.
Is there a bug?
« Last Edit: February 06, 2024, 09:29:30 PM by Low Altitude »


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Re: Taking 5 days to create a point cloud?!
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2024, 03:43:18 AM »
As you're probably aware, your graphics card is a huge bottleneck for your system and point cloud generation is a GPU heavy process. I would say probably try checking the box to use CPU when performing GPU accelerated processing in Preferences -> GPU tab if you haven't already.

My recommendation would be sticking with 'Medium' for point cloud generation with your setup unless you get a more powerful graphics card.

Still 5 days seems to be a bit long for 390 images and it could be a bug. What resolution are the drone images?

Low Altitude

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Re: Taking 5 days to create a point cloud?!
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2024, 12:09:25 PM »
Thanks for the reply. Looks like I need an eGPU (can't upgrade the internal GPU on this iMac), as medium isn't good enough quality.
The images are taken with a Mavic 3M, resolution 20mp RGB.

Thanks for the tip: I've checked the 'use CPU' box and set the pointcloud to 'High', and now it's predicting about 50 mins to generate the depth maps. That seems much better! Thank you.