
Author Topic: Cameras State Manager  (Read 3209 times)


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Cameras State Manager
« on: March 16, 2024, 08:04:05 AM »

I think it could be very helpful to have a "Cameras State Manager" - maybe needs a better name. This would work like AutoCad's "Layer State Manager".

You would open the Cameras State Manager from an icon in the Reference Panel. Maybe next to the "Update Transform" icon. It would be also listed under the Tools Menu.

The Cameras State Manager would enable the user to save the current "state" of the Cameras in the Reference panel to a name. This would save the "state" of all variables for every camera in the Cameras Reference Panel. If all cameras are ticked - that state could be saved as the  name "All Cameras Ticked". If all cameras are unticked - that state could be saved as the name "All Cameras Un-Ticked". The power of the layer state manager would come when the user has some cameras ticked and some unticked, because this state could be saved to a name e.g. "Only Accurate cameras ticked". 

The Cameras State Manager would be a dialogue box (see attached example). This box would list all the saved "States" . There would be a "restore button". The user would highlight the name they would like to restore and click the "restore button" and the cameras would return to exactly the state they were saved  (ticked or unticked).

The Cameras State Manager would not only be saving the ticked / unticked state of a camera but also the accuracy of the camera. This would then allow the user to import camera accuracies or if DJI  RTK have them import directly when the photos are imported. Then save that to a cameras state name e,g, "All Cameras with original accuracies" . But then the user could change the camera accuracies and untick some cameras, say if if they were having alignment issues, and then save that state e.g. Only Cameras with Changed Accuracies". Because the Cameras State Manager is saving all variables to a named state the changed accuracies could be restored at anytime with one click of a button.

After importing photos, I often will turn off cameras if there are issues and run optimizations. But later will want to test with all cameras on. It is easy to tick (check) all camera or untick all cameras but it is painful if you have to un- tick some but not all.  A Camera State Manager would make this very quick.

Thanks for reading, I hope you make find this suggestion worth incorporating into Metashape.



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Re: Cameras State Manager
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2024, 08:18:24 AM »

I forgot to write in that there could also be a "Markers State Manager" to do exactly the same thing for the Markers

In the Cameras State Manager dialogue box there would be a tick box called "Save Marker State when saving Camera State".  And in the Markers State Manager there would be a tick box called "Save Camera State when saving Marker State"

This would give the user the option  to save / or not save  the stale of the markers when saving a "Camera State" or a visa versa for a Marker State.