I've noticed that in the latest release, I get a libtiff error when attempting to export a GeoTiff using JPEG compression with alpha channel selected. This never used to happen! Here is the error message:
2024-06-04 15:01:43 ExportOrthomosaic: path = /Volumes/PIMS03/SimmsPt/outputs/SimmsPt_20220124.tif, image_format = TIFF, projection = WGS 84 + EGM96 height, resolution_x = 4.9532900000000004e-09, resolution_y = 4.5137299999999999e-09, clip_to_boundary = off, asset = 0
2024-06-04 15:01:43 Exporting orthomosaic...
2024-06-04 15:01:43 generating 52463 x 53822 raster in 1 x 1 tiles
2024-06-04 15:01:44 libtiff error: Bogus input colorspace
2024-06-04 15:01:44 Finished processing in 0.956797 sec (exit code 0)
2024-06-04 15:01:44 Error: TIFFWriteTile: unexpected error: /Volumes/PIMS03/SimmsPt/outputs/SimmsPt_20220124.tif