Hi Paulo and Dave,
Thanks for the helpful replies.
Yes, I am logging for at least 5 hours before PPP.
Unfortunately we never have time to visit the site days ahead to survey, so we will be post processing the camera locations.
The Emlid workflow geotags the photos, but that wipes the yaw, pitch, roll.
I assume that I will want this in order to best use Agisoft's photo alignment?
In that case I can pull the latitude and longitude from the Emlid Studio events.pos file into a csv.
The only problem here is there is no associated filename, I can write a little script that pulls the exif data from the original photos and then match them via timestamp.
I am worried this is getting a bit complicated and I missed a simpler solution.
I have two more questions..
1. Can I do this when I have already built the ortho and update? It doesn't seem likely, but just checking which step I need to go back to
2. This seems to be a good solution for the DJI P1 flights where I have the DJI .pos file, but we are also flying a Micasense MX dual. There is no .pos file here, has anyone found a solution for this case?
Thanks very much again for the time