
Author Topic: Batch Jobs [Apply to] support current chunk option  (Read 1495 times)


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Batch Jobs [Apply to] support current chunk option
« on: April 18, 2024, 07:18:50 AM »
I am wondering if it possible to support the drop down menu of batch jobs with  [current chunk] or [active chunk]

My current batch job workflow needs to apply for the last new added chunk after data collection each day. However, I tried the [unprocessed chunks] option but it sometimes run all chunks rather than the new chunk. Manual editing [selected] every time is an option but a little bit time-consuming and frustrating.

I do understand that using python script is possible to completely control and apply to the active chunk, but writing python code is not so efficient and clear compare to the batch Job UI setting (and for other collages who are not familiar with API), especially for these jobs with dozens of parameters.

In this case, personally believe supporting the Apply to [current chunk] could be a better option for this senenario.

Any ideas or comments for this feature request?