I was playing around with our Mavic 3M to test some general workflows. DJI has the option to fly a set of oblique images at the end of a mission to improve accuracy, so I thought I'd check what impact this has. In addition, I thought it'd be a good idea to fly a nadir control strip at different altitude, to test what effect that has on a model. I was flying with a base and PPKd the triggers using REDToolbox. I also have GCP which I only use as check points.
The main model has 243 images at 60m AGL. There are 12 oblique images at 60m AGL and 8 images in the control strip at 50m AGL. I ran 4 models, all with the same setup, reference settings and markers:
- Main images only
- Main + oblique + control strip
- Main + oblique
- Main + control strip
I use a python script to run each model, so the process is exactly the same. (
When I process the model with the main images and the control strip the whole DEM is shifted down by 10m, and I cannot work out why. I have set the capture distances for each image set (right-click on selected images). Why do these 8 images have such a disproportionate effect on the overall model? Am I missing any other setting to accommodate the lower flying height images? The horizontal accuracy is also a bit worse, but only 0.06 mean compared to 0.02 mean against check points. The model with main+oblique+control strip does not have this issue.
Further questions that may be interesting:
- When you set the capture distance for individual images (right-click) is there a way of checking it has actually set it, because if it is repeated the default value is shown again?
- When we have individual accuracy values for every image from the PPK/RTK process, do we still need to set the camera accuracy in the Reference Settings, i.e. does the per image setting override the Reference Setting value?
- The error (m) given is an amalgamation of x/y/z, is there a way in Metashape to see the error per dimension?
- Adding a control strip at a different altitude is sometimes mentioned here as a method to improve a model, but I cannot find an academic reference or technical article about it. If anyone knows of one please post it here.