I have this error since 4 days and i'm competely stuck into my work and dead line is approaching.
During the alignment between photos and laser scans.
I have a lots of laser scans (72) to align with 3500 photos. the danse cloud from all the scans are about 2 billions about points 50 millions points each. I have 256 go ram, dual xeon cpu E5 2640 V4, and a Quadro RTX 8000.
Mabe point cloud from laser scans is too big ?
I'm working with windows 10 up to date and Nvidia driver is 537.42 desktop / notebook driver for quadro (up to date too)
i'm working with the latest metashape build 2.0.3 16915
the error :
2023-09-27 10:10:06 Detecting points...
2023-09-27 10:10:06 Found 1 GPUs in 0 sec (CUDA: 0 sec, OpenCL: 0 sec)
2023-09-27 10:10:06 Using device: Quadro RTX 8000, 72 compute units, free memory: 47686/49151 MB, compute capability 7.5
2023-09-27 10:10:06 driver/runtime CUDA: 12020/10010
2023-09-27 10:10:06 max work group size 1024
2023-09-27 10:10:06 max work item sizes [1024, 1024, 64]
2023-09-27 10:10:12 Warning: cudaStreamDestroy failed: an illegal memory access was encountered (700)
2023-09-27 10:10:13 Finished processing in 307.578 sec (exit code 0)
2023-09-27 10:10:13 Error: Kernel failed: an illegal memory access was encountered (700) at line 143
Thanks for the help !