
Author Topic: Bad allocation error catch.  (Read 1998 times)


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Bad allocation error catch.
« on: June 10, 2024, 10:05:31 PM »
Kia ora,

we've setup a way to automatically setup network tasks, using the agisoft scripts on github as inspiration. It works great, however every now and then a project gets stuck on a bad allocation error loop. Trawling the forum indicates this is a RAM issue. I've tried all the tips I've found on here but haven't been able to solve it so far.

I have a couple of questions:
1) can you confirm that the bad allocation error is always RAM issue? Apparently our machine does not max out the RAM when the issue occurs.
2) is there a way to set up an exception catch for errors like this? I thought we could split the chunk if this type of error was thrown, if only we write a try/except pattern for this type of error.

Thank you!

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Bad allocation error catch.
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2024, 07:55:34 PM »
Hello jrjdavidson,

In most cases "bad allocation" means insufficient RAM (could be also insufficient free RAM to allocate certain amount of memory).

I think you can use try/except approach for such problems, providing that there is no system service that terminates the process which tries to allocate RAM above certain threshold.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Bad allocation error catch.
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2024, 11:45:31 AM »
ok, thanks.

For a network task, how would i try to catch an error like this? should i create a something like
Code: [Select]
#previous code
task = Metashape.Tasks.BuildPointCloud()

#new code
task = Metashape.Tasks.RunScript()
import Metashape
doc = Metashape.Document()"path\to\project.psx", ignore_lock = True)
chunk = doc.chunk
except Metashape.BadAllocationError: #just guessing how to catch errors
    #code to split chunks here