Hello All,
In the latest Python API documentation of Agisoft Metashape,
for Metashape.Camera instance, and Class Reference of it, there are two separate parameters, named "enabled" and "location_enabled".
The description in the documentation for both are same.
So, I tested it on a sample project.
camera = Metashape.app.document.chunk.cameras[0]
print(camera.reference.enabled) #Prints True
print(camera.reference.location_enabled) #Prints True
camera.reference.enabled = False
print(camera.reference.enabled) #Prints False
print(camera.reference.location_enabled) #Prints False
camera.reference.location_enabled = True
print(camera.reference.enabled) #Prints True
print(camera.reference.location_enabled) #Prints True
Both of it do the same thing, i.e. tick or untick the particular camera in the Reference Pane if the reference data of the same are available.
Can anyone help me in understanding the difference??