Hello, baking bug report nr.2

There is an issue with the way textures are being built when trying to reproject a highpoly surface onto a lowpoly plane, in this case for the purpose of creating tiling textures. The process is as follows:
1. I have scanned a rocky ground surface that I now wish to bake onto a 2D texture to later create a tiling texture
2. Decimate the rocky ground surface scan to just say 100 triangles, then do a heavy smooth operation to "flatten" it
3. Build the texture with the highpoly scan as a source, use either generic or orthophoto mapping, doesnt seem to matter
The problem? Strange artifacts, especially visible on the displacement map. See the pictures attached, better than me explaining it with words. Almost looks as if the reprojection range is not far enough on the Z axis, but I have no clue how Metashape does the baking, there are hardly any settings for this

This issue is present on all textures, from displacement to normals etc..