
Author Topic: Import a meter ref model into another 3D EPSG ref model  (Read 2944 times)


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Import a meter ref model into another 3D EPSG ref model
« on: September 27, 2024, 06:51:47 PM »

I have a chunk “A” referenced EPSG (Lambert 93 IGN 69 "meters") with a rough 3D model that allows me to approximate the ground of a site (3D model with airplane photo). On this site, I had several objects that had been vandalized and were not in the correct original position. I made several models in different chunks “B” “C...Z” of the different objects, but they are referenced in meters and not in an EPSG

I'd now like to merge all the B... Z objects into the A EPSG chunk or simply align them to the A ref EPSG.

If I import a 3D model object (like B chunk) object (meters) into chunk A (EPSG), it's imported but never appears, even if I shift it to A coordinates referenced with GPS on the site. I am not see object and box object when I set active and reset view.

If I try to create 3 markers in chunk A on EPSG 3D model and 3 markers with the same name in chunk B. The align chunk with A ref and markers align executes without error message but does nothing.

Is it possible to do what I want to do with a feature I don't understand?

Kind regards,


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Re: Import a meter ref model into another 3D EPSG ref model
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2024, 10:14:35 AM »
I'd like to add that I've used 3 markers and that on chunk B, they've been created and I can see the coordinates in meters in the reference, but they don't appear in the view marker on the 3D model of chunk B. This isn't the usual behavior I'm used to. On chunk A georef EPSG they do appear.


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Re: Import a meter ref model into another 3D EPSG ref model
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2024, 11:23:46 PM »
The solution was simple.

In fact I was trying to align and incorporate just OBJs (local meters) in an EPSG chunk because I didn't want to import numerous chunks calculated individually as a PSX project into my global project. And I was trying to align the global EPSG chunk with another chunk that only contained an OBJ (local meters) with markers. In fact, this doesn't work because Metashape can't align chunks calculated entirely with photos, tie, depth, 3d model (thanks Agisoft support Eliza).

So I used File -> Append and imported all my PSX with the famous 3D model (local meters) in each one. Then I defined 3 markers in each chunk and launched the alignment using the marker method. My EPSG chunk remains in EPSG and my local meters chunk also remains in local meters, but it's well positioned and aligned in EPSG. I can merge all chunks.