
Author Topic: Metashape not reading image locations  (Read 514 times)


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Metashape not reading image locations
« on: February 04, 2025, 07:42:11 PM »
Im having a problem where Metashape isnt reading image locations in one area of my project.  Is there a way to fix this? I know you can align the images by reference, but after you do that how do you integrate those images into the project where it will create tie points?


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Re: Metashape not reading image locations
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2025, 10:22:12 PM »
You can try hand selecting those images, plus a few additional already aligned images that surround it, right click in the list of images on the right hand pane and say "Align Selected Images." If that doesn't help, then I usually realign all the images but try different tie point/key point limit parameters that are less binding.


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Re: Metashape not reading image locations
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2025, 05:07:15 AM »
The problem isn't that Metashape can't read the image locations. The dots indicating where the images roughly should be shows that the locations are being read just fine.

The problem is that the images aren't being aligned. From the screenshot, I would guess that the problem is there is a significant difference in altitude of the unaligned area and the aligned area while the drone flight was done at a uniform altitude. As a result, the unaligned areas have a lower overlap percentage since the target is closer. Lower overlap can result in difficulty with alignment. I'm not sure what drone you're using but if available I'd recommend using Terrain follow to solve this issue. Otherwise you can divide the flight into two missions with differing altitudes to compensate for the difference in target height.

You can also try aggieair's suggestion and tweak the alignment settings which could align the problematic images but I've normally found that retaking the images give the best results in these cases.


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Re: Metashape not reading image locations
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2025, 05:40:19 AM »
I spoke too quick and realized metashape is reading the locations and its an alignment problem. Ive had a lot of success in the past using aggieair's method but for some reason this dataset has me stumped. the images were from the camera on our lidar unit - we definitely flew at a consistent altitude across this area.  the problem is that the terrain below is forested and somewhat homogenous.  overlap is probably the issue most likely since we usually do not use as much overlap on lidar missions. this was an afterthought to pull the images from the scanner to process an ortho to try and process them the way they are. Ive been looking to see if there was any info or helps out there where anyone has had similar issues and been able to work a little "magic" to make a data set work.  I know that adjusting the alignment settings, such as tie points and keypoints and even some of the camera calibration settings have influence on the alignment process.  Metashape is a great software and is very flexible for this very reason, and why i wont use anything else! Ive pulled projects out of the hole before, unfortunately sometimes you cant.

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Metashape not reading image locations
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2025, 12:59:20 PM »
Hello dsmapping,

You can try to experiment with matching accuracy setting and use Medium or even Low to see, if it helps to align the images taken above the dense forest areas.

But if the overlap is insufficient in those areas, there is a little you can do then.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC