Will report a bit deeper. testing the new solution. but it seems to be SLOW.....
Accute SCANNER cost approx 8.000,- EUR / Y E A R - their have problems with aligning as have tested so far - like 123D Catch and AUTODESK RECAP cloud solution. Its faster than agi, but as i say i got problems with aligning of different sets. the mesh is mostly OK, but with lower resolution
AS you mention cities from air and ground, you will use a LOT of images, so you will need the "PRO" version of Accute - approx 30.000 EUR per YEAR. because of their limitation of SCANNER edition
The 3DF zephyr DEMO - can test just 10 images, and it seems that it uses GPU just for the ALIGN stage. hard to say but it seems that is much slower than AGI, at least on the dataset that i could test...
For testing and verifiing if you capture cities right wold recommend PHOTOSCAN PRO. its one of the best price/performance app right now......
if need a bit more to know contact me on muzeumhb@gmail.com