here's my process.
I am currently testing using photoscan to do facial capture, I have builta small test rig currently using only 2 cameras (eventually 10 or more).
I bring in each pair of images into a new chunk of the sequence that I am processing, I then import cameras from a previous exported frame, so each alignment happens in the same world space.
I've only been testing with about 100 chunks at at time currently, since it's a bit labor intensive. altho I did create a helper utiltiy that aid's in setting up the initial .psz scene. (just loading images into chunks)
Alignment is not being run in batch since I have to import cameras for every chunk. crash happens when building geometry, it happens in batch and if I manually build, somewhere between 20 or 30 chunks further once I restart, it seems to crash. batch texture generation appears to work properly.
I am running windows 7, on a i7-2600k cpu, w/Nvidia GTX580 driver ver 275.33
I just ran a test disabling OpenCL in preferences and it appears that the crashes do not occur, it did take quite
a lot longer to process but it did successfully finish.
I will send you my scene and image files that are causing the crash.
thanks and it is an truly awesome program....