Hi David,
Is there not going to be a catch22 situation, unable to use the model to chop away accurately at the baseboard where the model touches it, due to a snowdrift effect going on, because the photos needed masking prior to use to deter Agisoft from creating a poor definition at that object/baseboard junction ?
in other words or maybe saying it just as badly, to get a model with well defined object/baseboard junction so as to edit mesh away and create the masks, one needs well masked photos and to use agisoft to mask all the photos in one fell swoop with this method we need the model already created from well masked photos.
I have several chunks, each one where the object was repositioned on the gridded table beyond which is a concrete floor and buildings, flor and buildings which appear occasionally in some of the shots, gridded table in all.
I am wondering how I remove all those backgrounds as fast as possible.
If I generate model first, surely the existence of the backgrounds will cause inaccuracies, poor edges where it touches grid etc, but to do as your method and delete background away from model which I also saw on youtube and liked the idea of, I have to create an accurate model, so catch22.