
Author Topic: Zbrush - Workflow  (Read 82152 times)


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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2014, 08:47:22 PM »
Looks awesome Wishgranter....but where's the naked ladies??  ;D


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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2014, 02:52:34 PM »
Hi Wishgranter,

Great work congrat!! - we are using 48 cameras and we have limited our workflow to 2h (to make at least a bit of money..) - see our examples (you will find some optimization possibilities, but we have experienced that this quality level is absolutely ok for 3D prints... the max. resolution of a ZPrinter is the real limit !)

all the best Andreas
Yes, we scan !


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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2014, 03:55:26 PM »
Yup thanx :-D Naked ladies, will be later as we not get them here for now..... and the few want not disclosure results :-D

@Fabblerlounge Will shoot few 3Dprints, yes the res is limiting color is problematic, but we want have the best possible quality from what we have already. and you will see what details can be pushed out from Zcorp 650 :-D



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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2014, 03:58:03 PM »
And for everyone see tutorials from Lee, about the workflow what he use. a bit nudity, but think you wil like it :D

Lee, THANX for this, and as you see there are already few comments on the videos how to improve things....... need to test it on our datasets......


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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2014, 06:32:02 PM »
Hi Wishgranter , fabberlounge.

Didyou have some printing colour issues with zprint?
I mean colour changes , it becomes redlish or sth like greenlish at the end of the printing process.
How did you sort it out with zprint 6xx series?


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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2014, 06:34:41 PM »
And for everyone see tutorials from Lee, about the workflow what he use. a bit nudity, but think you wil like it :D

Lee, THANX for this, and as you see there are already few comments on the videos how to improve things....... need to test it on our datasets......

Thanks to Lee. it's remarkable tutorial indeed..


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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2014, 06:44:55 PM »
Thanks a LOT for the tutorial.  :)
im delighted to see others work being shared as well!


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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2014, 07:00:52 PM »
I still wish this step could be pretty much automated. We've been trying for a while to nail it. Once up to pretty much noise free scans, prepping them for use is something I'm really trying to turn into a button press.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 07:09:38 PM by Subunderground »


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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2014, 07:17:21 PM »

printing issues, for now it will be our trade secret :-D  but we try color calibrate the printer, its impossible because they use NO color management, but we get some nice colors, but its a bit hard to achieve it as it is a more complex problem......

How many of you do the 3D printing bussines of fullbody scanns ?  Count 8 alltogether ( using AGI solution ) or are more here and we know them not ????? 


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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2014, 07:30:58 PM »
I'm in it. Probably there are more but hidden.  I think there are a lot people who are attracted in this business.
Hopefully it's not like a button press.  I hope it won't  turn into a button press as Subunderground wishes. (Sorry Subunderground, don't take it personal) There are people like Lee  and others who do this for living for good. I believe there must be difference between good work and shitty work.!
By the way, Wishgranter color calibration doesn't do a lot. Ok you may want to keep it secret but sooner or later I will sort it out.  ;) Thanks for the recommendation anyways.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 07:32:38 PM by Exhale »


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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2014, 01:31:11 AM »
3D system is on it

as well as Artec:(thats a Kinect solution... not really comparable)

or Twinkind, botshop, deepend production (only in Germany...) and a lot of Artec 3D full body scan and print companys, they are popping up at the moment,

I think quality is the answer, good solid scans, optimized texture maps, ready for the next versions o 3D printers with higher res...

Yes, we scan !


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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2014, 05:21:33 AM »
It's great to see the forums here so full of life, active and people sharing cool ideas. Andreas has made some really great recommendations for tighter smaller set-ups using 35mm that I often reference my build clients to. Some of you guys are getting great results.

I hope the tutorial I posted on line is of some use. Quality is key. Especially to future proof for better 3D printers. At the moment they can't utilize all the detail and colour that a photogrammetry system can produce, but maybe some day!

Hopefully it's not like a button press.  I hope it won't  turn into a button press as Subunderground wishes. (Sorry Subunderground, don't take it personal) There are people like Lee  and others who do this for living for good. I believe there must be difference between good work and shitty work.!

I agree with this to a point :) The thing is for 4D motion scanning to ever be possible. 100,000 of frames! we need a push button solution. It has to be automated. I'm pretty sick of processing scans to a high level. It takes time and patience but at the moment is the only way.

I have tried very hard with Alexey to offer ideas for improvements and Agisoft LLC have been very patient but we have MANY hard problems still to solve.

My main BIG suggestions that could potentially automate the whole process are:

1) Better automated mask generation from background. Utilize the Region box or parallax to focus the Mask generation on the subject. Ignoring background elements. Pure, perfect, crisp masks are key! for 2.

2) This is most important. Utilize Masks during Geometry reconstruction AND during hole fill. If we can have this, it will solve MANY problems. Hole fill and webbing being the biggest issue to solve but I believe this is a complex problem to solve.

3) Complex smoothing algorithm, something custom that can utilize the colour information and masks to refine silhouette but keep high frequency details..

4) Network, batch processing.

Just some ideas.


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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #27 on: January 10, 2014, 11:24:52 AM »
@wishgranter: I am also in that Full Body Scanning and Printing business...

We are just releasing our first Full Body Scanner that is exactly made with the intention "everybody" is asking for (OK - not you Exhale...) . A fully automated process... The result is our 3D-APPARAT (please do not visit the webpage at this time - we invest all time in the setup of the machine and the processes behind them). Here is a first preview of the system:

The pictures are uploaded automatically to our file servers. From there we have to select the folder in PS and have the usual steps been done by PS (at this time without masking to save computing time...) . It would be perfect to have that in a batch process without a GUI and a user that has to click and point as we always have to do the same steps and have somebody watching the screen to initiate the next step... should be better done by a computer - but that is up to Agisoft.
The generated mesh is uploaded to a folder where a meshlabserver process is waiting for it to smooth it (automatically) with one filter setting and upload it back to a PS folder where a (again) human has to load it back to PS to generate the texture.

That's all... and the results are at this stage (without any zBrushing or similar) look like this: (and the 3D-APPARAT will be sold for approx. 20.000€ - please have that in mind, comparing with other solutions...)

This results are ONLY thought for 3D printing in a scale up to 1:10! Nothing more or else. Even the small spikes will not be visible in the 3D printing (even though they will be eliminated later...) We know that scans can be of higher quality - but they are needed for different applications! It's like driving a Formular 1 car in a town - doesn't make sense as it is made for a different application....

You are right, Lee (and Exhale) - quality is key, you know it better than most of us and for your application it is more than true. But for the grandparents that want to put their grandchilds on their chimney, "future is now" and the next scan will be done next year. Within this time everything will be improved - as I wrote - everything depends on the application.

Is somebody of you willing to upload models (full body scans) with the same stage of "no zBrushing"? I really would be interested in seeing other non-clear / non-makeup results.

Thank you!


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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #28 on: January 10, 2014, 12:51:42 PM »
Hi all the sample seem to be The Q from StarTrek :-D

OK will post few results later this week, as i get a bit free time..... 
Christian are you from Austria ??




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Re: Zbrush - Workflow
« Reply #29 on: January 10, 2014, 01:01:39 PM »
All I mean by the automated process is the task of getting the high res. scan data ready to 3D print / realtime app.  ready. I don't believe this would be any way to the detriment of the guys on this forum. I just mean it would make the process cost more realistic opening up new markets etc. . I currently have a team of 10 artists all retopologising/zbrushing etc. and it's very expensive for a repetitive task that I believe could eventually be refined. Even if you could stand in a studio, fire the cameras, and a perfect model is exported without any human intervention at all, I don't believe that would affect the industry in any way as it's so expensive and such a specialised task to set up a perfect working rig in its current form, that it's not a mainstream solution anyhow in my opinion. It's that part of the process people are paying for, years of experience, R&D and refinement. If the models we're getting were more like just taking a 3D studio photo it would open up loads of possibilities for the industry. I've not seen an upcoming solution that beats Agisoft either. As you guys say, companies that are using Kinects, and other 3D scanners are okay while 3D printing is in its infancy and a gimmic, but once we have the next generation of printers, and emerging VR etc. there will be a market for Professional high res. 3D content studios I'm sure. The low res. fluffy textured scans where someone has to stand still for a couple of minutes just won't cut it. Well, that what I think anyhow  8)

Good news is it seems the whole industry, Zbrush, Mudbox etc. are all trying to solve this problem.