I have had amazing results with Photoscan but not since build 958 at the beginning of June.
I have been using the software to scan heads of people. Since June, at the 'Generating mesh' stage, Photoscan gives up at "46% done" with virtual memory getting stuck at very high levels.
This is what happens;
My computer is a windows xp 64bit, dual quad core (Intel Core(TM) i7 950 @ 3.07GHz), 12GB RAM, Quadro FX 1800.
The "build Geometry" settings are Arbitrary, High, Smooth, 0 face count (I intend to decimate it later).
With about 30 photos of a person's head, 'Reconstructing depth' may take around 1 hour and a half, using about 95% of CPU and 1 GB of RAM and 1GB of virtual memory.
When 'Generating mesh' starts, CPU usage goes down to 0% and RAM usage goes up steadily from about 3GB at the Depth1/11 stage (which I see in Output window) to about 10GB at the Depth 10/11 stage.Virtual memory goes up to about 16GB. It takes about 15 minutes to go from Depth 1/11 to Depth 10/11.
After about 4 hours at the 'Generating mesh' stage at depth 10/11, with virtual memory stuck at about 15 or 20gb, I give up. Sometimes the last depth level gets done but the same memory problem occurs.
I can obtain geometry if I opt for medium quality, or sharp geometry type, or if I reduce the number of images used or reduce their resolution. However, in all these cases the result is mediocre or bad and not as good as Photofly. So unless I use High, Smooth and have 30 images, there is no point in using Photoscan.
I have tried using the openCL option with 2 CPUs turned off, but Photoscan crashes.
I have tried using Chunks but merging bits of a head together looses a lot of the detail and creates lumps.
Is it worth buying more RAM? I already have 12Gb and photoscan never uses all of it - it uses about 8gb at depth 9/11 and goes up to about 11 GB at Depth 10/11. You say in your 'performance' pdf that "12GB RAM will allow to process up to 200-300 photographs."and I only use about 30. You also say that "The whole chain of operations could easily occupy 4-6 hours when building a model from hundreds of photos." I have been waiting that long before ending the task with only 30 photos.
I cannot send you the output window contents as I always have to stop the program through Task manager, but I have attached a screen grab.