I have problems with understanding how the camera based chunks alignment works.
I have a project including several chunks. All the chunks include images from one camera (precalibrated, fixed), acquired from different positions. There are four images common to all the chunks (e.g.: A.jpg, B.jpg, C.jpg, D.jpg are present in every chunk).
When I select Workflow/Align chunks/Camera based alignment (fix scale unchecked), the chunks are not aligned as I would imagine they should be. In another words, after alignment the position of A.jpg, B.jpg, C.jpg, D.jpg from Chunk 1 is not the same as position of A.jpg B.jpg, C.jpg, D.jpg from Chunk 2 (they seem to be shifted).
Could someone shed some light on the camera based chunks alignment? I would like to understand what I do wrong.
Best regards,