Excellent results David! This gives me hope!

I was banking on using Photoscan with only 1 (or a few) camera as a body scanning system; as Kinect scanning was too low res and I didnt want to go $>25K for pro scanners. Plus, a camera makes this portable and possible to scan anyone practically anywhere as long as they stand still.
Unfortunately, I'm not having much luck so any advice or further elaboration would be greatly appreciated. All my results of people look something like this:
http://www.agisoft.ru/forum/index.php?topic=1972.0 For that I used a Canon 5D mk II (not III if that matters) and Ilm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I think one thing I jus tlearned was that shutter speed shouldn't prevent motion blur! Before I saw that in the body guide I would have thought that would be a bad thing- so I assume Photoscan must use motion blur to compensate for tracking error between photos?
Anyway, do you know why my scans appear like that and how can I get even a
facsimile of your results? Also, did you mask the images before analysis or did Photoscan use the background with tracking? I haven't masked the images in an attempt yet, do you think that matters?
One more question, do you think an
entire body scan (including fingers) is possible with a single camera?
Oh and fantastic work!!