Sorry i appreciate your help, so i dont want to look unpolite when i say it is not clear because maybe you jumps some steps in the workflow, assuming that i am more prepared than i am!
1) I have my project: images imported, aligned and optimized with GCPs.
2) I save my project to have this status as Base
3) Since i try to work well, each point in the sparse point cloud has 7-10 reprojections, so it is available in 7-1o photos
4) Following your suggestion, i go in Model---Sparse Point Cloud---Right-Click--- Create Marker. Of course i dont see exactly where is placed this new GCP because sparse-point-cloud is low resolution. Or maybe should i create a marker inside a photo where i can exactly see where to place and find a suitable well known spot common to many photos?
5) Then i right-click on this new GCP i created at point 4 and i select "Filter photo by points" and i find only photos where this new GCP is available
6) I open each photo and i move this GCP to a point that i find well-known in all other photos (for example beside a tree). it takes quite long because each point does not move automatically on spot chosen. At the end of this phase, the estimated error is HUGE, dunno why.
7) Now i should export in tXT format all GCPS, so i have freshly new XYZ (real + height control points)
8 ) At this point, i am quite lost: accordingly with your explanation, i should load the previous project before the first optimization, which is not clear: do you mean project right after alignment?
9) no i edit the TXT file, dont touch XY and edit Z to the desired value.
10) reimport GCPs, optimize and things should be ok.
I think this workflow should work, but maybe there is something inbetween that makes it impossible for me.
Can you please clear it a bit further?
Thanks again and kind regards,