
Author Topic: NEW USER Saying Hi and a little advice please...  (Read 9069 times)


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NEW USER Saying Hi and a little advice please...
« on: January 18, 2014, 03:16:29 AM »
Hey Guys,

Been a big fan of this for awhile now and in awe of the work the guys like infinite realities and ten24 do with agisoft.  I come from an engineering background and built my own white light scanning system, peicing together the hardware and learning the oddities, cheats and tricks with that system for about 6 years now always upgrading and trying new things.

The system I have now is on a par with some of the industrial stuff....However great it is for accuracy and finite detail on inanimate objects, scanning people causes a whole world of pain as your'll all be aware we don't half move! so its time for me to get into this, instant capture!

I'm currently comparing agi soft with photomodeler scanner, I have a version of photomodeler non scanner currently for marker detection when white light scanning large objects for which it works great.

I have to say though that photoscan is so easy to use!  having been a user of photomodeler for years I did manage to get a scan result from it straight away but it was slow and not totally intuitive plus the result was pretty poor in my mind. Within 5 min of downloading photoscan I had a more complete test scan straight way.

If some users out there could help me understand the type of results I could get with this software I would be very grateful. I'd like to see some raw meshes of scans at different levels ie,

-one camera multi shot 10mp for example,

-mid investment multi camera higher mp synchronized trigger rig

-and a 'whos your daddy?' ten24/infinite realities style rig

I've poured over the infinite and ten24 sites and blogs and it appears they have huge investment in top of the range equipment plus an arsenal of software, for post processing, meshes and textures etc. because of this I'm a little unclear of what I'm actually seeing on those sites, the stunning models  look out of this word but are these the mesh results from photo scan or, the photoscan result + touch up in zbrush, and displacement mapped retouched photoshop texture maps and rendered etc??? just like to get a handle on what I can realistically expect to get from what sort of workflow/ software investment and (gulp) hardware investment.

Oh and not to mention the PhD in photography, lighting and physics!   :D

Amazing work all and im looking forward to being part of this exciting following!

If anyone can share some details, photos of models it would be a great help.

Many thanks



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Re: NEW USER Saying Hi and a little advice please...
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 02:13:26 AM »

Is anyone able to offer a little advice? please...

Many thanks



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Re: NEW USER Saying Hi and a little advice please...
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2014, 09:41:51 AM »

we are running a 48 camera setup to scan people, pets... the results are ok, it strongly depends on the clothes, photogrammetry is sensible about surfaces, textures...
so if the costumer is wearing denim, casual clothes... the results are really good, postprocessing is reduced, but with that number of cameras, I always have to work in ZBrush, do some touch up... to get a 3D printable file. (thats our core business)

you can see some scans at sketchfab/ username: fabberlounge, or some photos on our website:
If you send me a PM, I can send you some raw scan results also...

all the best, Andreas
Yes, we scan !


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Re: NEW USER Saying Hi and a little advice please...
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2014, 03:56:48 PM »
Hi fabberlounge,

Thanks for the feedback and offer a sample mesh..! Will pm you my email.  One more question,I've just purchased the standard version of photoscan for now, does this give enough functionality for face scans or do you really need to go pro? If so what features in pro are of use in the face and body scanning workflow?

Many thanks again, just looked at your site.... Nice work!

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: NEW USER Saying Hi and a little advice please...
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2014, 04:04:50 PM »
Hello Doug,

Actually there were already a few topics with the same question (even I can't find another one):

So generally speaking, the functionality of Standard edition is enough for scan data processing. Maybe the only thing you can miss (apart from the scaling that can be performed in the external applications for the exported model) is spherical parametrization of the texture atlas, but I think is not the most important thing and can be also performed in some third-party applications.

P.S. There are various RAW scans with PhotoScan projects available on Triplegangers store, but they are not free.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 04:09:22 PM by Alexey Pasumansky »
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC