Hi Alexey,
All versions 0.8.3 have problems in OpenCL:
Loading photos...
Reconstructing depth...
Using device: GeForce GTX 580, 16 compute units, 24057 MB global memory
max work group size 1024
max work item sizes [1024, 1024, 64]
max mem alloc size 6014 MB
max workgroup size c1: 1024 c3: 1024 zero: 1024 hamming: 1024 filter: 1024 box: 1024
max workgroup size zero: 1024 costs: 1024 b1: 1024 bn: 1024 wta: 1024 transpose: 1024
estimating 5728x6457x2048 disparity using 261x259x2048 tiles, offset -8
Can't allocate stereo buffers
GPU processing failed, switching to CPU mode
With version 0.8.2 works fine