Dear Tom,
the last year, I wrote about 7 publications on the use of PhotoScan for archaeological purposes (4 main articles and three smaller contributions). Most of the papers deal with aerial imagery (UAV, conventional aerial photography), but I also compared the output to laserscans for documenting excavations:
* Verhoeven, G. 2011. Taking Computer Vision Aloft – Archaeological Three-dimensional Reconstructions from Aerial Photographs with PhotoScan. Archaeological Prospection 18(1), 67-73.
* Verhoeven, G., Doneus, M., Briese, C., Vermeulen, F. 2011. Mapping by matching - A computer vision-based approach to fast and accurate georeferencing of archaeological aerial photographs. Journal of Archaeological Science. (In press, published online)
* Verhoeven, G., Taelman, D., Vermeulen, F. 2011. Computer vision-based orthophoto mapping of complex archaeological sites: the ancient quarry of Pitaranha (Portugal-Spain). Archaeometry (In press, published online)
* Verhoeven, G., Doneus, M., Briese, C., 2012. Computer vision techniques: towards automated orthophotoproduction. AARGNews 44, 8-11.
* Verhoeven, G., 2012. Getting computer vision airborne – using Structure from Motion for accurate orthophoto production. RSPSoc Archaeology Special Interest Group Newsletter Spring 2012, 4-6. (can be found here:
* Plets, G., Gheyle, W., Verhoeven, G., De Reu, J., Bourgeois, J., Verhegge, J., Stichelbaut, B. 2012. Towards a Three-Dimensional Registration of the Archaeological Heritage of the Altai Mountains. Antiquity. (in press)
* Doneus, M., Verhoeven, G., Fera, M., Briese, Ch., Kucera, M., Neubauer, W. 2011. From deposit to point cloud – A study of low-cost computer vision approaches for the straightforward documentation of archaeological excavations. Geoinformatics 6 (XXIIIrd International CIPA Symposium), 81–88.
Some of them can be found on my website: If you want all of them, just drop me an email.