
Author Topic: Compensating for clothing without much texture  (Read 10874 times)


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Compensating for clothing without much texture
« on: February 02, 2014, 07:27:14 PM »
So I have done many full body scans now, and shooting people in suits and dresses tend to come out very poorly, sometimes bare legs come out pretty bad, if at all too.  Now I understand that shooting stuff with a lot of texture is better as the program can find more points because of that.  My question is if there is a way around this?  Can I put something on my turntable or something to help find more points without disrupting the clothing?

I have also been wondering if since my cameras aren't moving, I can somehow save the camera alignment or location from one set of photos and apply it to multiple sets of photos.  If so, would this help with my nontextured clothing issue at all or not really?



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Re: Compensating for clothing without much texture
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2014, 08:43:36 AM »

Textures with poor details, shiny ones,... are a problem. Suits, wedding dresses... are not easy to scan. Sometimes it is better to tell people to bring a second outfit, just to have a backup. Also some markers ( like small post-its) attached onto the problematic areas helps. ( just needs a bit of photoshopping or mudboxing afterwards...) We are still in the development of a reliable noise projection ( laser technology), I will poost on this forum if we succeed :-)). Nothing against Photoscan it is a fantastic tool, but have you tried Autodesk recap, for some scans ( esp. mesh building) it works better.
Regarding camera positions, for a multicam rig (360 array of cameras) you can use the camera position tool (xml file).
Good luck, all the best Andreas
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Re: Compensating for clothing without much texture
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2014, 11:21:52 AM »
fabberlounge, can you please explain the workflow you are using with Agisoft and Recap? Do you generate point cloud in Agisoft and generate mesh in Recap. When you say Recap are you talking about autodesks Recap 360 for making model out of photos or their software called Recap for point cloud editing?


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Re: Compensating for clothing without much texture
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2014, 11:41:51 PM »
Hi, we tried the cloud solution for aligning photos, the obj we got from Autodesk back was more detailed and with less noise than the Agisoft one. Its just the workflow of texture mapping in Agisoft (aft touchup in ZBrush and UV mapping) that I would miss. Need more comparision data, but to keep it in mind as a backup or alternative to PS it is ok.

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Re: Compensating for clothing without much texture
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2014, 08:01:48 PM »
Hi Fabblerlounge, have you seen that from today the autodesk 360 is subscription based ? for more than 50 imgs na "ultra" quality ??