I suspect my problem may exist between the chair and the keyboard, but any guidance would be appreciated.
I am trying to create a orthomosaic and DEM to measure a volume. I have taken 200 or so photos with D800 from a multi-rotor at an average heigh of 60m above ground level, I am getting good overlap when I run the report function.
I have then used the GPX file from the UAV flight log, and the time stamps from the photos to identify the camera locations.
When I plot the camera coordinates in a graph excel they come out showing the flight pattern as expected, however when I load the txt file into Photoscan the points come out in a straight line.
Subsequently when I align the photos in PS the axis are not correctly aligned, the z axis appears to point in a random direction and x and y are not aligned to the horizontal ground plane. From reading the tutorials Z should be vertical automatically?
I think this is also effecting the scale of the model, as when I try to measure a volume the numbers produced are very small in comparison to what I would expect.
I don't have additional GCP for this model.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
Also, I am running PS on a new MacPro with 12cores 64GB of RAM and D700 graphics cards, so if someone can point me in the direction of a "standard" data set and settings, I'm happy to run a benchmark test and post the results.