
Author Topic: Canon EOS 600D Corded Remote trigger  (Read 17903 times)


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Canon EOS 600D Corded Remote trigger
« on: February 19, 2014, 01:05:46 PM »

Could someone please point me in the direction of what cables/splitters I need to trigger multiple Canon EOS 600D cameras via a corded remote shutter switch?

Can I buy the cables and splitters from places like amazon?

I can't find splitters

Thanks Mark.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 04:21:50 PM by markyboy »


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Re: Canon EOS 600D Corded Remote trigger
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2014, 12:59:15 AM »
H Mark, I just bought one but they are extremely hard to find. Unfortunately is comes from UK

Also there is a supplier from US but I ordered it and it never arrived and later they told me that they were out of stock even though the page still said they had them. You can maybe call them to find out.

BUT a word of caution, even though it worked fine for me with 2 cameras, I have read multiple post where they explained that it is a hit or miss, as sometimes it doesn't work correctly and sometimes it does.



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Re: Canon EOS 600D Corded Remote trigger
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2014, 01:02:23 PM »

Thanks for your reply. I'm from the UK so that first link you sent doesn't ship to the UK. Thats fine at least that gets me on the right track. The second link I've found a version on Amazon UK so that could be an option.

So basically I could use audio leads ? Could I use the following as a splitter ? I assume I would need a way to convert 2.5mm to 3.5mm connectors along the way?

Thanks Mark.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2014, 01:06:46 PM by markyboy »


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Re: Canon EOS 600D Corded Remote trigger
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2014, 09:10:13 PM »
Oh that's great, if you are in the UK, then the first link works fine ;) 
Yes, you can find 2.5 mm to 3.5 mm connectors and then use the splitter you showed. Make sure you find some good quality ones since I had instances when some cables didn't work and it was just bad quality ones.


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Re: Canon EOS 600D Corded Remote trigger
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2014, 10:43:36 AM »
We experimented with full corded setups, as well as a combination of wireless and corded setups (one wireless transceiver per column, split out to all cameras).  We got weird behavior with the latter, and have since just settled on all wireless transceivers as the hassle of the wires was too much, but we may switch back because swapping out dead batteries on 60 cameras is indeed a pain...especially because who knows when each one will go out.

If you do an all corded setup, you can get away with straight audio cables/splitters/plug converters, mostly bought through, be careful though because you do indeed need good quality all the way through the system.  No 'easy' solution here, but I can say we had an all-wired setup working with 60 cameras, and no issues with impedance, or needing to boost the signal at any point.


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Re: Canon EOS 600D Corded Remote trigger
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2014, 10:09:12 PM »
I wanted to chime in with this since I followed a solution used by others with great success.  The problem with using simple audio splitters to daisy chain from one camera to the others is that one slightly loose connection or out of tolerance connector will throw off your entire system.  It is very easy to get loose connections since there are so many of them (up to 5 possible loose connections per camera if you have to use 2.5mm to 3.5mm adapters), and the cords will be putting strain on the connectors, causing premature failure. 

Because of this, you'll have a hard time diagnosing which connections are bad since all the cameras will be connected to a single line.  When that line's signal is disrupted by a poor connection somewhere down the line, it feeds back to all the cameras at once causing them all to act funny, making it difficult to diagnose the source of the issue.

The solution to this is using an opto-isolator, which isolates each camera's remote signal so that they cannot feedback to the rest of the cameras.  If one camera is acting funny, you can tell which one it is and fix the problem.  The issue is that you will need to have someone who knows electrical design who can design and make you a board that can take a signal in from your corded remote, and split it to the optoisolated cameras.

I have designed an optoisolator board that takes in a 3.5mm signal from a remote and splits it to 8 isolated cameras, specifically for use in photogrammetry.  I use 3.5mm because it is the cheapest audio cable to buy. ($0.88 for a 6ft 3.5mm audio cord at vs $3.31 for a 6ft 2.5mm audio cord)  Then I use a $0.15 3.5mm to 2.5mm adapter to connect it to the camera.

Unfortunately, I've only made prototypes for my own personal rig so its nothing fancy. It doesn't have an enclosure, just an open board, which still functions perfectly fine.  Its not at all delicate or anything.  I could make some for you, but since its a low volume thing that I'd have to put in labor to build, I'd have to charge something pretty steep for it, like around $100 a board + S/H.  If I had more of a demand for the board, I could probably lower the cost a lot, as it would be much cheaper to manufacture. Let me know if you're interested.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 10:25:50 PM by Aries »


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Re: Canon EOS 600D Corded Remote trigger
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2014, 12:33:05 PM »
Thanks everyone for your replies. Well I went for a corded setup, mixture of 3.5mm, 2.5mm cables, splitters, female to male convertors etc etc. Tried to keep it to the minimum number of connections, first attempt failed. Some how managed by a pure luck to guess what was at fault and replaced one of the cables and now have a working setup. It's not perfect, sometimes a half press of the remote sends the cameras a bit nuts (could just be the cheap remote I'm using?).

One thing I didn't realise is that with my cameras corded together if I turn them all off except for one, I can't do anything with that camera unless I turn them all on or unplug the remote cable, would this be fixed using a board such as the one Aries mentioned?

Really impressed by your board Aries, I've been thinking about doing something similar myself (don't have the knowledge though). $100 is too pricey for me at the moment, maybe some day when I stop spending all my money on all the other bits Photogrammetry requires :o



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Re: Canon EOS 600D Corded Remote trigger
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2014, 01:39:39 AM »
Im keen
pm me or email


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Re: Canon EOS 600D Corded Remote trigger
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2014, 07:15:21 AM »

One thing I didn't realise is that with my cameras corded together if I turn them all off except for one, I can't do anything with that camera unless I turn them all on or unplug the remote cable, would this be fixed using a board such as the one Aries mentioned?


Hi Mark, Do you use diode to isolate the signal between cameras? like this link mentioned:


bernie wempe

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Re: Canon EOS 600D Corded Remote trigger
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2014, 07:51:19 PM »


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Re: Canon EOS 600D Corded Remote trigger
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2014, 04:04:58 PM »
Its only necessary a 2,5mm stereojack to connect to ur camera, and in the other streme something that produce a short electric, a buttom or connect one wire to the other.

I use another trigger connected to the pararell conection and works fine ( I have 600D too).

BR. David

Phd Student Photogrammetry and Computer Vison.
Ex member of Metria and Orthoware team, Mechatronic Engineer R&D.