
Author Topic: The ground filtering algorithm used in Photoscan professional  (Read 4876 times)


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The ground filtering algorithm used in Photoscan professional
« on: February 20, 2017, 10:03:59 AM »
Hi all!

Which ground filtering algorithm does the Photoscan professional software use? Does it use an algorithm that is already available in the literature? Can you please give some details about the ground filtering procedure?

Thanks in advance

Thibaud Capra

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Re: The ground filtering algorithm used in Photoscan professional
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2017, 12:25:59 PM »
I wish I knew that too. I've been doing extensive researches on ground filtering as I need it, and knowing which one is used or what's close to it would allow me to optimize the use I have of it.

As for now, I use an external ground filtering algorithm that happened to be very robust: CSF, developped by Wuming Zhang et al..

One can also read Sithole, G., & Vosselman, G. (2004). Experimental comparison of filter algorithms for bare-Earth extraction from airborne laser scanning point clouds. ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 59(1), 85-101. to see different algorithms and a normalized performance test.

I haven't read Axelsson's work yet but I think PhotoScan might be using it as it is the best performing algorithm for ground filtering so far. Or a modified version.

Best regards.
Best regards.
Thibaud CAPRA
Master Student in Geodetic Engineering, Cartography & Surveying
Master Thesis in Automated Processing of UAV-based Photogrammetric Data (ResearchGate Link)
INSA de Strasbourg, FRANCE