About decimals. This has to do with windows regional settings for numbers and decimal format. You can modify win to your taste without turning Metashape into a mess.
I personally dislike . as thousand separator and , as decimal point. So every time I'm on a new computer I change thousands to blank and decimal point to a point . which sounds very consistent to me.
Personally, I would prescribe some pills to those who prefer to use comma instead of point, and yes, I would also directly send those who prefer units outside the international system to a mental health institution.
I suspect that more than one proud Englishman privately admits that this exotic system they call imperial is a blot on the normal development of life in the world (even on their own English lives). I don't understand why the hell we have mostly gladly adopted their language to understand each other, and they have never been able to adopt one of the most sound decisions that a sane part of humanity has ever made.
- Delete GCP or not to delete... I could agree it's annoying, it looks like the delete key has a more general scope than our desire sometimes. However, if you use the X button, the action will not kill your GCP but only selected key points, dense points or triangles, ignoring other selected items. If you want you can create a shortcut for the "kind" delete by assigning shift+del to delete just model selection, and it will do the same as the X button on the toolbar.
Loving Photoscan since very early years too.
José MartÃnez
Geobit & Accupixel