Hello Martin,
We have the script prototype for such task. Please note that it works for WGS84 projection and export resolution is defined in the script body. Also the exported files are generated in the project folder.
#compatibility Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 1.0.0
#no arguments required
import os
import time
import PhotoScan
doc = PhotoScan.app.document
PhotoScan.app.messageBox("Prossing started.\nPress OK.") #information message
def intersect(p0, pn, l0, l):
d = ((p0 - l0) * pn) / (l * pn)
return d * l + l0
def surf_height(chunk, photo):
points_h = list()
point_cloud = chunk.point_cloud
num = len(point_cloud.projections[photo])
num_valid = 0
for i in range (0, num):
x = point_cloud.projections[photo][i].index
if (point_cloud.points[x].valid == False):
v = PhotoScan.Vector( (point_cloud.points[x].coord[0], point_cloud.points[x].coord[1], point_cloud.points[x].coord[2], 1) )
vt = chunk.transform * v
vt.size = 3
vt = chunk.projection.project(vt)
num_valid += 1
height = points_h[int(num_valid/2)]
return height
chunk = doc.activeChunk
proj = PhotoScan.GeoProjection()
path = doc.path.rsplit("\\", 1)[0]
processed = 0
t0 = time.time()
for i in range (0, len(chunk.photos)):
photo = chunk.photos[i]
photo.enabled = False
for i in range (0, len(chunk.photos)):
photo = chunk.photos[i]
if not photo.transform:
x0 = PhotoScan.Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0))
x1 = PhotoScan.Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0))
x2 = PhotoScan.Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0))
x3 = PhotoScan.Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0))
width = photo.width
height = photo.height
# vectors corresponding to photo corners
v0 = PhotoScan.Vector(( -photo.calibration.cx / photo.calibration.fx, -photo.calibration.cy / photo.calibration.fy, 1))
v1 = PhotoScan.Vector(( (width - photo.calibration.cx) / photo.calibration.fx, -photo.calibration.cy / photo.calibration.fy, 1))
v2 = PhotoScan.Vector(( -photo.calibration.cx / photo.calibration.fx, (height - photo.calibration.cy) / photo.calibration.fy, 1))
v3 = PhotoScan.Vector(( (width - photo.calibration.cx) / photo.calibration.fx, (height - photo.calibration.cy) / photo.calibration.fy, 1))
vc = photo.center
v0.size = 4
v1.size = 4
v2.size = 4
v3.size = 4
vc.size = 4
v0[3] = v1[3] = v2[3] = v3[3] = 0
vc[3] = 1
v0_gc = chunk.transform * photo.transform * v0
v1_gc = chunk.transform * photo.transform * v1
v2_gc = chunk.transform * photo.transform * v2
v3_gc = chunk.transform * photo.transform * v3
vc_gc = chunk.transform * vc
v0_gc.size = 3
v1_gc.size = 3
v2_gc.size = 3
v3_gc.size = 3
vc_gc.size = 3
# surface normal
cen_p = photo.center
cen_p.size = 4
cen_p[3] = 1
cen_t = chunk.transform * cen_p
cen_t.size = 3
cen_t = chunk.projection.project(cen_t)
h = surf_height(chunk, photo)
vloc = PhotoScan.Vector((cen_t[0], cen_t[1], h))
vloc_h = PhotoScan.Vector((cen_t[0], cen_t[1], h))
vloc_h[2] += 1
vloc_gc = chunk.projection.unproject(vloc)
vloc_h_gc = chunk.projection.unproject(vloc_h)
surf_n = vloc_h_gc - vloc_gc
#intersection with the surface
x0 = intersect(vloc_gc, surf_n, vc_gc, v0_gc)
x1 = intersect(vloc_gc, surf_n, vc_gc, v1_gc)
x2 = intersect(vloc_gc, surf_n, vc_gc, v2_gc)
x3 = intersect(vloc_gc, surf_n, vc_gc, v3_gc)
x0 = chunk.projection.project(x0)
x1 = chunk.projection.project(x1)
x2 = chunk.projection.project(x2)
x3 = chunk.projection.project(x3)
x_0 = min(x0[0], x1[0], x2[0], x3[0])
x_1 = max(x0[0], x1[0], x2[0], x3[0])
y_0 = min(x0[1], x1[1], x2[1], x3[1])
y_1 = max(x0[1], x1[1], x2[1], x3[1])
x_0 -= (x_1 - x_0) / 20.
x_1 += (x_1 - x_0) / 20.
y_0 -= (y_1 - y_0) / 20.
y_1 += (y_1 - y_0) / 20.
reg = (x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1)
photo.enabled = True
p_name = photo.path.rsplit("/", 1)[1].rsplit(".",1)[0]
p_name = "ortho_" + p_name
proj = chunk.projection ##if chunk projection units are in meters - dx and dy should be specified in meters:
if chunk.exportOrthophoto(path + "\\" + p_name + ".tif", format = "tif", blending = "average", color_correction = False, projection = proj, region = reg, dx = 2.93022e-06, dy = 2.12914e-06, write_world = True):
processed +=1
photo.enabled = False
for i in range (0, len(chunk.photos)):
photo = chunk.photos[i]
photo.enabled = True
t1 = time.time()
t1 -= t0
t1 = int(t1)
PhotoScan.app.messageBox("Processing finished.\nProcessed "+ str(processed) +" images to orthophotos.\nProcessing time: "+ str(t1) +" seconds.\nPress OK.") #information message
If anything is not working or any modifications are required, just let me know.