Again, in this forum are a LOT of user, even more are not registered.. from my view here are active approx 25+- users !!!! So how they "reward" work of us ? they write at least THANX ? no :-(
OK this will be a "little" selfish but:
a lot of people jump on the photogrammetry "train" and they do some work, they say im the good one, generating models without optimizations, "tricks" and few more things, then they get work for CHEAP, they undercut prices and when its here say good project, something bigger what involves EXPERTISE on how to process it perfect they win it because they set low prices, we can do it with left hand. Then the client get ROUGHT results, is upset, and cease to use externall services, because he try it later with standard settings on same dataset, get same results as the cheap one and say WHY should i pay a even more to someone
? can do it myself :-D
few of my external work was so that i need reconstruct model more than 10 times (28+H) to get the results that was wort the money...... who has done it this way ?? no one because they think AGI is magical tool, it is not, and mostly not in beginner hands..... Yes not everyone is a PRO, but overall the quality is failing down...... Therefore its better to contact people here with PM or email, ask for help, but mostly you do ask the "easy" things without reading ANY book about photogrammetry, any whitepaper and want professional outputs without knowlege...... Don?t worry its same with laser scanners, when 15 companies come to win bigger work and they cannot do simple easy object, present DEMO project what is possible, and later they win a part of the project ( go cheap ), they start to ask for help on it, how to solve it !!!! im get angry, and that the same here.....
Tutorials - it depend on what want - need to do, mostly the special stuff is solved on project-to-project basis. If interested will create a TUTORIAL thread where can write on what precise you want to see.... OK ?