Foodman, what happens to the UVs in the 3DCoat process?
hello... indeed with that process the UV's are gone... but when you import back the hollowed model, Pscan will redo some uv's for it... Sure you will loose a bit of UV space in that process, because Pscan will also uv the inside polygons... so IF that is an issue for you, simply open the hollowed model in any 3D app, and Cut/paste the inside polygons (select one poly from the inside shell, and do a select connected polygons (or similar technique) into a temporary file (so you don't loose it.. ) then import in Pscan only the outside shell , texture it... and then when done, export it from Pscan again, and recombine it with your inside shell that you have saved. voila, no UV space lost.
hope that helps..
btw, prior to export it, you don't need to texture it, because you will texture the hollowed mesh later anyway..

Thanks Ristag..