Is there some method in PhotoScan Pro to calculate the camera alignments from the array of coded targets?
As far as I can tell, the program is able to recognize the targets automatically, but will only compute the camera alignments using the normal target-less alignment procedure by matching common points among the photographs. However, this must decrease the accuracy of the alignment: while the target centers can be positioned very precisely at sub-pixel accuracy, the common points are much less precisely located. In practice, when working with a network of targets, I am finding measurement accuracy only in the 1:5,000–1:10,000 range (relative to the camera sensor). However, according to the published literature, calibrations using coded targets alone should allow measurement accuracy up to about 1:50,000 with a consumer dSLR camera.
Adding the ability to calibrate and align the cameras in the scene first by using the coded targets only would thus be very useful. With such an option, there would need to be an intermediate step to generate the sparse point cloud from the normal alignment step (but without changing the camera orientations).