Hi Agisoft Photoscan users!
I have a dilemma. I have generated a nice model of a historic sailing vessel, but I have generated it in 4 chunks: bow, stern, middle hull and sails. Now chunk alignment is finding the approximate positions, but it's not entirely perfect.
In order to combine the chunks accurately, and get the best possible result should I:
- export the 4 point clouds, align in meshlab, somehow import the aligned clouds back into Photoscan (will that still allow me to texturize them in Photoscan?)
- make a mesh of each individual chunk, tools -> import masks for each chunk, throw the masked photos into one chunk, and reprocess everything?
- not mask the individual chunks and just realign all pictures?
The reason I have processed in chunks is because there are several areas of the boat that look very alike (like stern and bow) but actually aren't. I'm afraid that if I process everything together, they will be misaligned (I had this previously on a boat that was very symmetrical, where Photoscan considered the starboard and port to be the same => it thought all pictures were taken from port rather than from both sides). Also, processing all together will take more computer time.
My thanks for any advice you may have!