Hello Dmitry,
Can you post a part of code that is related to the following output:
---Save dense project: /path/to/denseprojfile.psx
saved project in 1.029 sec
loaded project in 0.004735 sec
---Can’t save dense project file
loaded project in 0.003707 sec
I see that the project is saved, but due to some additional custom messages in the console, I assume that some additional operations may be performed. Or the printing function related to the " ---Can’t save dense project file" is not properly implemented.
The difference, as I assume, may be related to the different handling of the errors in the version 1.2 and 1.3: now processing and saving operations do not return Boolean value (maybe in your script you are checking that), now if the operation fails it results in RuntimeError, for example:
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-47-0b71e7b52316> in <module>()
----> 1 doc.save(__some_invalid_path__)
RuntimeError: Can't save project
So you need to catch such operations errors with try&except approach:
except RuntimeError:
print("Oops, can't save project.")
Hope it will solve the problem.