
Author Topic: Export video / animation  (Read 8475 times)


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Export video / animation
« on: May 26, 2014, 04:18:35 AM »
Hi Agisoft Team,

It would be great to be able to generate a simple video / animation of the textured 3D model. I was thinking about a similar solution as used in Google Sketchup and other software packages.

Here's the workflow:
1) The user can save several views of the model (e.g. one from the left side, one from the top)
2) Select and align the views you want to animate in a simple timeline. Adjust the duration of each clip and the time for the transition from one view to the next one.
3) Add simple text / caption at the bottom (optional)
4) Choose and adjust background color or texture
4) Export animation / video (several file formats and resolution presets)

If someone would like to add special effects, he can always use a more advanced software package (e.g. blender, Adobe AE, Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, etc.), but I guess a lot of people just want to have a small animation of their 3D models they can use to share online or for presentations.

Thanks a lot ... and keep up the great work.
