I just discovered the ctrl+] hotkey to move forward in the photos (helps to periodically read the manual). And I am so happy. I think this will cut at least 25% of the time off of marker refinement. But I noticed that even if I have the mouse positioned perfectly in the center of the screen so it centers on the marker on the new image when I press ctrl+] or ctrl+[ to move through images, I have to slightly move the mouse to get the center of the marker to turn red - I can't just click. Which is frustrating since I don't know of any way to just accept the default placement with another hotkey. And I sometimes am perfectly happy to accept it.
Oh also The ctrl+] combo gets pretty tedious on the tendon that pulls my thumb back while positioning my other finger to hit the ctrl key. Any possibility of either customizable hotkeys or a one-key option? I position more than a thousand target locations per flight when I use dual cameras (ugh).