Ok, can someone help me on this?
I have a dataset with aerial pictures that has the default WGS 84 coordinate system.
Image file Long Lat
IMG_1267.JPG -34.9963712 -8.1861384
IMG_1268.JPG -34.99656 -8.1859816
etc etc...
I processed everything as WGS 84, and the results were good. But my client want the SIRGAS 2000 coordinate system (south american) and I exported the orthophoto using SIRGAS 2000 projection on the "export orthophoto" window. But it didn't work, it shows the WGS84 coordinate in other softwares...
Is it wrong to do this? What I have to do to make this right?
Does agisoft convert between datums? If yes, how? I saw this post but its from 2011