Can't you give me some hints?
I have tried with a single camera and multiple shots, a 14 mp Casio compact that unfortunately does not do raw. What I learned was that you need good lighting, low ISO, a solid ball-joint stand, and a remote trigger. I also learned that even sharp images are surprisingly grainy when you zoom 100%.
Anyway, I can't use a single camera because I want to capture a living human being.
Having read many many threads on this forum, it seems that going for 40+ DSLR's is the best option, but I simply do not have that amount of money to spend on this. Canon compacts with CHDK seems like a workable solution for "hobby project" standards.
That is why I mentioned specifically the A2500, because it seems like one of the reasonable choices.
Again, this is just the due diligence, which of course I did.
So the above is not directly related to my question. My question is simply, if I have a choice between ~10 pieces of 12+ mp resolution compact Canons, or ~10 older prosumer ~7mp Canon ~G7's with supposedly superior optics but much lower megapixel count, which one should I go for?