Hi Dimitry,
performed another test with new project:
strip of 13 aerial 3000x2000 px images with approx 80% overlap in-path
Alignment accuracy high with 20000 initial points per image
Matching and Bundleadjustment ==> OK
Geometry recon Hightfield, high, smooth, 0.5, 0.5, 10 mio faces ==> OK
Texture Ortho, mosaic, 18000 x 18000 ==> OK but "Packing 1 charts" step took 26 Minutes, blending step after that was finished in 2 Minutes.
I have set-up an additional test:
strip of 5 aerial images 17310 x 11310 px (Ultracam) with approx 60 - 70 % overlap in-path
Alignment accuracy high, 200000 initial points per image
matching and Bundle adjustment ==> ok
saved project
Started geometry recon with heightfield high, smooth 0.5, 0.5, 10 mio faces, then cancelled geometry recon process after 1% progress,
saved project
after that, PS starts behaving weird in the following way:
New start of recon process ==> recon process does not use all CPU cores any more, max 2- 3 from 8 (7)
after cancelling this, I tried to do a new image alignment within this project ==> process falls asleep after the first image and does not respond to cancel. Killed it, started ps and project new ==> same behavior
I am not sure but it looks like as if something seems to be wrong with the cancel-procedures
After machine reboot I have set-up a third test now with Ultracam images, same parameters as above but now 20 mio faces, depth recon is on the way.
Observed that, starting at 72% progress of recon step only uses 2 - 3 cores, before that, machine was busy with all 8 up to 100% each
will report further prgress
kind regards