Just wanted to start a discussion about the business of 3D facial and body scanning.
I fear that this product may already be turning into a commodity.
I have been a professional photographer all my life.
Something like 78% of all photographers in Australia earn less than $36k per year.
The average wage is now $55k per year.
The top 3% of of these businesses earn between $1-2 million a year.
An enormous disparity.
The people who have great businesses charge a lot for their work.
Have you or someone you know ever owned a new car?
Have you ever heard anyone complain about what is probably the second most expensive item they will ever invest in?
The answer is NO.
People value what they pay more for.
As a professional portrait photographer, I can use 1 camera in 1 session and charge $2.5k for a single print (panoramic 60x24 inch canvas). Printing costs are $300.
Packages can be as high as $6,000 per client.
Time: 4 hours included photography, viewing session, post and printing.
Other photographers can charge $20k per package and do this consistently 4 times per month.
I am not there yet, but my photography business should be $1m plus per year soon.
http://fantasyportraits.com.auI used to work in the film industry with a multiple camera array and was able to charge $25k per production day.
For an international assignment $100k was required.
My investment cost of 60x 10D's at $4.5k each ($250k plus) was returned within 12 months.
http://www.timesplice.com.au/3dfashiongallery/fashion360_2.htmlTimes have changed and there is rarely a budget for this type of work.
Hence, the desire to use the technology in another area, like 3D lenticular or facial and body scanning.
Great photographers of the past commanded fees of $100k + per photo session because they could.
They were market leaders.
3D scanning has this potential.
When I have great results, I intend to charge $3,000 per scan with a 3D print/figurine at the consumer level.
With good public relations, I need to be able to make $100k per month.
At $3k per 3d printed model, I need to do 33 per month or 1 per day.
This is a sustainable income for this technology for 1-2 persons.
It is not about the photography - it is about the business.
If you charge less, then it is not a sustainable business.
If it is seen as a gimmick, then no one will pay what it is worth.
Value what you are worth.
If you do not value your work, then no one else will.
Photo booths, events and low cost work will be a quick end to what could be a great business.
Is anyone else willing to talk about business models?